Tips on Selling Flight Simulator Time to Students
How to Sell Simulator Time to Students
Offer discounted blocks of simulator time.
Bundle X hours of simulator time for each hour or block of hours of airplane rental time.
Require that students accomplish X hours in the simulator as part of the training program.
Require solo cross-country flights or other difficult solo flights to first be flown in the simulator
Offer free time or bonus simulator time based on performance, attendance, on-time behavior, or other metrics.
Create a school competition based on simulator events and skills. Spot landings, precision flying, etc. Offer a worthwhile reward/award.
Offer reduced hourly rental rates of the simulator once the student has flown 10 hours in the simulator. By this point the student can start the simulator themselves and practice fly without an instructor present.
Work with your FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) to approve a syllabus based on proficiency, not hours. This means more loggable time in the simulator for students.